Look Thinner in 24 Hours

By Elizabeth Miller on June 25, 2015

Everyone is always looking for that quick fix to drop 5 or 10 pounds overnight. Let’s just say patience doesn’t come easy, and so many try the latest crash diet in hopes of speeding up the weight loss process. Unfortunately, most of those plans are neither safe nor effective. For healthy, lasting weight loss you’ll want to stick with the tried and true methods. In a pinch, however, you can LOOK thinner with these easy tips.

  1. Don’t eat bread, pasta, and dairy for 24 hours. They are not only filling, but eating just a serving or two can cause belly bloat.
  2. Take a candida yeast ridding supplement. Excess yeast is a common cause of belly bloat so taking a supplement like Candida Complex will help your body eliminate the overgrowth and bloat.
  3. Stand up straight and roll your shoulders back. Bad posture can make you look bigger than you really are.
  4. Take a B-6 supplement. It is a natural diuretic that also helps your body metabolize food and convert it to energy.
  5. Avoid sugar free gum. Chewing gum causes you to swallow air and artificial sweeteners can make you retain water causing bloat.
  6. Drink lots of water. It sounds counterproductive, but your body will not hold onto water when it has plenty of it, and it also helps to keep your digestive system flowing smoothly.
  7. Get a spray tan. You can even ask them to add some extra to the outside of arms and legs to create a more narrow look.
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I Shouldn't Have Eaten That

By Elizabeth Miller on June 12, 2015

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