Explore Healthier Options

June 15, 2021

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As we told you above, you don’t have to cut out your favorite foods. These are weight-loss tips for women that still want to enjoy the way they eat!

What you should consider doing though, is trying to find healthier versions of your favorite treats. For example, rather than buying your regular bag of white cheddar popcorn from the supermarket that’s cooked in oil and made with plenty of strange ingredients, why not air pop your own?

You can air pop the equivalent to a bag of popcorn in less than 5 minutes, sprinkle on some parmesan, sea salt, and garlic powder and have a super tasty treat that’s much healthier and contains far fewer calories. It satisfies the same craving for crunchy, salty goodness while keeping you on your weight-loss plan.

The same can be done with nearly every dish you eat. Swap stevia for sugar in your drinks and baking, sweet potatoes for bread with dinner, or dress your salads with citrus and vinegar instead of oil.

It’s all about finding healthier alternatives that you actually enjoy, so don't force something that doesn’t fit into your lifestyle. If you’re someone who has to have half and half with their coffee, don’t mess with what makes you happy. Look for other places to make healthier choices that don’t leave you feeling deprived.

So-called “health foods” are nearly everywhere you look on supermarket shelves today. The problem is that many of those that claim to be healthy are no better for you than their traditional counterparts.

That leaves it up to you to scope out what’s really going on behind the packaging and read the labels on the foods you buy. Just because something says it’s healthy doesn't mean that it is. If your healthy food has tons of ingredients, lots of sugar or fat, or is high in calories, look for a better option.


Sarah C.

Written by Sarah C.

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