10 Ways To Drop 10 Pounds

By Elizabeth Miller on July 28, 2014

We often sabotage our weight loss goals before we even get started. “I can never eat cake again!” That makes us stop before we start, or dread every day. That’s no way to live. Losing weight is all about the small steps – steps you can live with every day. Being skinny by next month isn’t the goal…STAYING HEALTHY FOR LIFE is what we strive for. That being said, here are 10 easy ways to lose 10 pounds.

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Top Tips To Control Your Weight

By Jen Hazelwood on June 24, 2014

While losing weight and "looking great" is the goal of many people, as we get older our reasons for weight loss may change dramatically. Studies show that over 60% of Americans are overweight and more than 30% are actually considered obese. The impact to our health is frightening. The risks of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, certain cancers, back and knee pain are just a few of the health issues directly linked to our weight. These medical conditions not only affect our energy levels and overall sense of wellness, they can actually take years off our lives.

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3 Cheers For B12

By Elizabeth Miller on June 17, 2014

So we’ve all heard of Vitamin B12. It’s usually sitting there on the label of your favorite multi-vitamin…sandwiched between Vitamin B6 and C, but do you know why you need it?

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6 Tips For a Healthy Summer

By Elizabeth Miller on June 10, 2014

Warm weather - FINALLY! Time to dig out those summer clothes...sleeveless shirts, shorts and bathing suits! Get excited about this time of year again! Remember, just a few lifestyle changes can make a BODY CHANGING DIFFERENCE!

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10 Tips to Cut Calories

By Elizabeth Miller on May 29, 2014

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