Score a Weight Loss Win on a Snow Day

By Elizabeth Miller on January 28, 2016

If you are reading this while snowed in – congratulations! You get a day off of work! A day stuck in the house can be lots of fun and/or relaxing, but it can also wreck your diet. Here are 9 DOs to help you NOT gain weight today, and 2 DON’Ts.

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No More Resolutions

By Elizabeth Miller on January 06, 2016

Every January millions of people across the globe decide to mentally beat themselves up over things they did, said or ate the previous year. This form of ritual masochism is more commonly known as making a New Year’s Resolution. And no…just because I’m making fun of it does NOT mean that I’ve been above it all these years. I’ve done the “exercise more” resolution…the “eat less” resolution…the “lose weight” resolution. Heck, I’ve even done the “no more resolutions, resolution.” This year, though, I’m officially done. I’m taking a cue from an old friend from college and picking a single word for the year. “My” word for the year. This process is based on My One Word (, but I went a slightly different path. I chose one on my own – from my heart. My word this year is “better.” It’s not perfect. It’s not great. It’s not even good. It’s better. I want to be a better wife…a better daughter…a better person. I want do better with my eating habits…better with getting more exercise. That feels – well – BETTER to me than a scary resolution that I’m likely to break within the first week of the year. Less guilt involved. I just want to do better this year, and that’s all any of us can really do. So instead of beating yourself up this year over how much you ate during the holidays and VOWING to eat only salads and fish, how about picking a single word to encompass what you want to accomplish this year. Believe me – WAY better than a resolution.

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3 Ways to Keep your Fitness Goals in Check on Summer Vacation

By Elizabeth Miller on July 09, 2015

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Look Thinner in 24 Hours

By Elizabeth Miller on June 25, 2015

Everyone is always looking for that quick fix to drop 5 or 10 pounds overnight. Let’s just say patience doesn’t come easy, and so many try the latest crash diet in hopes of speeding up the weight loss process. Unfortunately, most of those plans are neither safe nor effective. For healthy, lasting weight loss you’ll want to stick with the tried and true methods. In a pinch, however, you can LOOK thinner with these easy tips.

  1. Don’t eat bread, pasta, and dairy for 24 hours. They are not only filling, but eating just a serving or two can cause belly bloat.
  2. Take a candida yeast ridding supplement. Excess yeast is a common cause of belly bloat so taking a supplement like Candida Complex will help your body eliminate the overgrowth and bloat.
  3. Stand up straight and roll your shoulders back. Bad posture can make you look bigger than you really are.
  4. Take a B-6 supplement. It is a natural diuretic that also helps your body metabolize food and convert it to energy.
  5. Avoid sugar free gum. Chewing gum causes you to swallow air and artificial sweeteners can make you retain water causing bloat.
  6. Drink lots of water. It sounds counterproductive, but your body will not hold onto water when it has plenty of it, and it also helps to keep your digestive system flowing smoothly.
  7. Get a spray tan. You can even ask them to add some extra to the outside of arms and legs to create a more narrow look.
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I Shouldn't Have Eaten That

By Elizabeth Miller on June 12, 2015

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How To Cheat On Your Diet

By Elizabeth Miller on February 25, 2015

Is it possible to cheat on your diet and still see healthy results? Not only is it possible, but some experts think it’s necessary. If you’re on a severely restrictive diet, all you tend to think about is food – whatever your favorite food is. You may dream of ice cream, swoon over pizza or crave a burger; and if you let your desires get out of hand you might find yourself binging on everything in sight. Take care of the issue before you give up on your healthy eating completely.

Some people even think it’s best to satisfy that craving with a similar food. So if you’re craving ice cream, you have a bowl of frozen yogurt – even though you don’t particularly like frozen yogurt. That means it’s okay while you’re eating it…it’s cold…kind of creamy…it’s okay, but it’s just not ice cream. That means when you finish – you guessed it - you still want ice cream. Your best bet is to just eat a small portion of really good, high quality ice cream once in a while. Notice I didn’t say every day…once in a while. And, be sure to watch your caloric intake a few days before and after. (One splurge at a time, please.) The key is to satisfy the craving…the actual craving…then move on. You weren’t craving yogurt; you were craving ice cream.

One other thing to remember is to watch your portion sizes – always. Whether you’re eating a salad or a brownie, portion size matters. Permission to splurge on occasion doesn’t give you permission to eat an entire large, delivery pizza by yourself or a gallon of ice cream, for that matter. One scoop of ice cream or 2 pieces of pizza or a small order of fries…that’s a splurge. Enjoy it…savor it…then get back to normal, healthy eating. Your body will thank you for it.

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7 Weight Loss Myths

By Elizabeth Miller on February 20, 2015

Some weight loss myths persist even though they've been proven wrong time and time again. We've included seven that you can stop worrying about.

  1. Lose belly fat by doing sit ups. Wrong. Exercise strengthens muscles and is good for you, but trying to “spot reduce” belly fat with sit ups just doesn't work. To get rid of belly fat you need to engage in cardiovascular or aerobic exercise. You’re going to have to burn calories throughout your body to reduce your midsection through exercise.
  2. Avoid all fat. Wrong. Yes, animal fat and other saturated fats have been linked to health issues like heart disease, however let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Monounsaturated fats like olive oil, canola oil, avocados and nuts have been shown to help lower bad cholesterol levels and more.
  3. Snacking causes obesity. Wrong. Okay, if you’re grabbing chips and candy bars out of the office vending machine, then yes…this would be bad for you. If, however, you’re snacking smart you’re on the right path. Eating a healthy, low-calorie snack when needed can help keep you from over-indulging at mealtime. If you’re starving now, by the time you get to dinner you may be so hungry that you make poor choices or overeat. A high protein snack like low-fat cheese or nuts can also be just the energy pick-me-up you need to finish your day.
  4. All carbs are bad. Wrong. Don’t lump all carbohydrates into the same white bread loaf. Whole grains, brown rice, beans and veggies provide a host of nutrients and fiber, are low in calories and can help reduce the risks of some types of diseases. Plus, the body uses carbs as fuel during exercise to burn body fat. Try to avoid processed carbs, however such as those high in sugar and white flour.
  5. Eating (celery, lettuce, grapefruit) will burn fat. Wrong. Foods don’t burn fat. Basically, a calorie is a calorie is a calorie – sort of. (We’re not talking about “empty” calories like those in sodas or candy…those are just a waste of space.) There are just no specific foods that increase your metabolic rate.
  6. Going hungry is the only way to lose weight. Wrong. Crash diets just don’t work. While you may see some results, most people gain back any weight shortly thereafter. It’s just too hard to maintain that lifestyle. You’ll be tired and hungry and eventually give in to foods that are probably high in sugar and fat.
  7. Foods labeled “reduced fat” are always better. Wrong. Reduced fat foods don’t have to meet specific labeling criteria. While they may contain less fat that the full fat version, that doesn't necessarily make them healthy. Many are packed with extra sugar and may have unhealthy chemicals or additives to make them taste better. Plus, they may have more calories and fat than something truly healthy like a piece of fruit or cheese.
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Add Warm Lemon Water to Your Morning Routine

By Katie on January 22, 2015

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Hydration: What You Need To Know About H2O

By Katie on December 11, 2014

We all know drinking water is important, but just how important is it? Water makes up about 60% of our body weight, so it’s absolutely vital to maintaining good health. It regulates our blood pressure and body temperature, it keeps our ears, nose, and throat moist, and our nails, skin, and hair are dependent on water to be healthy. Without enough water, we feel tired, sluggish, and can even think we are hungry when we are really just thirsty! Every body system, organ, tissue, and cell needs water to function properly. We know we need it to feel and look our best. But, how much water do we need?

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Three Supplements You Should Already Be Taking

By Elizabeth Miller on August 07, 2014

Every where you look there’s another great supplement to take for a specific health issue. Some for weight loss…blood pressure…better sleep…but are there supplements that EVERYONE needs to take EVERY DAY? YES – we’re glad you asked!

Probiotics - Most people don’t eat enough healthy enzymes and bacteria to help their body’s digestive system work properly. Combine that with the processed food diet that the average American eats and also the overuse of antibiotics, and you get an imbalanced digestive system that can lead to chronic disease, weight gain, and fluid retention. A probiotic can help you get back to the natural balance your body needs in order to convert vitamins and nutrients into energy and naturally fight off infection and illness.

Calcium - We all know calcium is important for your bones, but did you also know that almost every cell in our body uses it? As we get older, our bodies absorb less calcium from our food which depletes the stored calcium in our bones. Over time, this contributes to osteoporosis and osteopenia. That is why it is so important to add a calcium supplement to your everyday routine. It is also important to note that taking a calcium supplement with magnesium is even better to prevent any constipation from the calcium alone. In order for your body to fully absorb calcium and magnesium, they should be taken in a 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium. Lastly, drink some OJ or other Vitamin C rich juice to take your calcium/magnesium supplement because it helps your body to full benefit from the supplement.

Fish or Krill Oil - DHA - With all the news about mercury in the fish we eat, it is easy to pass on the fish, but our bodies still need the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil including EPA and DHA. They help to keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy ratio. Fish Oils also help support your bones and also your mood. It helps support healthy levels of serotonin which is the “feel good” hormone. That alone is a good enough reason to take a fish oil supplement. Krill Oil is another type of fish oil supplement that is smaller with no fishy aftertaste while still having all the benefits and possibly more. Also, it may help decrease inflammation in the body which in turn alleviates many pains associated with arthritis.

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10 Ways To Drop 10 Pounds

By Elizabeth Miller on July 28, 2014

We often sabotage our weight loss goals before we even get started. “I can never eat cake again!” That makes us stop before we start, or dread every day. That’s no way to live. Losing weight is all about the small steps – steps you can live with every day. Being skinny by next month isn’t the goal…STAYING HEALTHY FOR LIFE is what we strive for. That being said, here are 10 easy ways to lose 10 pounds.

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Top Tips To Control Your Weight

By Jen Hazelwood on June 24, 2014

While losing weight and "looking great" is the goal of many people, as we get older our reasons for weight loss may change dramatically. Studies show that over 60% of Americans are overweight and more than 30% are actually considered obese. The impact to our health is frightening. The risks of heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, certain cancers, back and knee pain are just a few of the health issues directly linked to our weight. These medical conditions not only affect our energy levels and overall sense of wellness, they can actually take years off our lives.

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6 Tips For a Healthy Summer

By Elizabeth Miller on June 10, 2014

Warm weather - FINALLY! Time to dig out those summer clothes...sleeveless shirts, shorts and bathing suits! Get excited about this time of year again! Remember, just a few lifestyle changes can make a BODY CHANGING DIFFERENCE!

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10 Tips to Cut Calories

By Elizabeth Miller on May 29, 2014

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