How Does Sleep Affect the Scale?

By Jen Hazelwood on December 03, 2020

When we think of weight gain and weight loss we automatically think about the foods we eat and needing to exercise, but something that way too often gets overlooked and directly effects your weight is SLEEP!

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What You Didn't Know About Being a Diabetic

By Ivy on March 26, 2019


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Mental Weight Loss Tip #4

By Callie on February 12, 2019

Straight off of page two of The Definitive Guide to Healthy, Natural Weight loss..Enjoy Mental Weight Loss Tip #4: Trick Your Willpower. 

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5 More Tips for Maintaining an Active Lifestyle

By Callie on February 06, 2019

To help you get motivated, we’ve created another list of proven tips that will allow you to stay more
active as a part of a healthy lifestyle. After all, you want to spend your best years engaging with
your loved ones every step of the way, not sitting on the sideline.
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7 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

By Elizabeth Miller on February 01, 2019

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5 Tips for Maintaining an Active Lifestyle

By Callie on January 18, 2019

For some of us, being active is easier said than done. Sure, we might be able to push ourselves to be more active for a little while, although sticking to it is another story. But there are so many benefits to staying active, especially as you age.

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Realistic Resolutions

By Ivy on January 16, 2019

Topics: diet weight loss
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How Seniors Can Improve Their Sleeping Routines

By Kevin Wells on December 13, 2018


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4 Types of food for gut health

By Ivy on October 30, 2018

Diet and gut health are very closely linked. Avoiding processed foods, high-fat foods, and foods high in refined sugars is extremely important to maintaining a healthy microbiome, as these foods destroy good bacteria and promote growth of damaging bacteria. There are also a number of foods you can eat that actively promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, contributing to your overall health.

These food include:

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7 Things you can do for your gut health

By Ivy on October 28, 2018

7 Things you can do for your gut health

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7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut

By Ivy on October 26, 2018

7 Signs of an unhealthy gut

Many facets of modern life such as high stress levels, too little sleep, eating processed and high-sugar foods, and taking antibiotics can all damage our gut microbiome. This in turn may affect other aspects of our health, such as the brain, heart, immune system, skin, weight, hormone levels, ability to absorb nutrients, and even the development of cancer.

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7 Secrets to Help Seniors Live Better Lives

By Kevin Wells on October 03, 2018


Topics: health
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Why Collagen is the Answer

By Ivy on August 16, 2018


Topics: collagen
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Benefits to Collagen

By David on August 16, 2018

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You Need Collagen In Your Life

By Ivy on August 15, 2018


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Why You Need Aloe

By Ivy on August 13, 2018

Aloe Vera has been used for ages as a remedy for many things. But its not just for sunburn and its not just for your skin. Ingesting Aloe Vera could do you wonders! If one or more of the below pertains to you I strongly suggest you consider giving an Aloe Vera Supplement a try!

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Your Body Needs Aloe.

By Ivy on August 10, 2018

Who hasn’t had a sunburn and reached for a bottle of cool and soothing Aloe Vera gel? My Sister even uses it as a primer before she puts on her makeup, because it is so good for your skin.

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Need to lose weight later in life? Your health is worth it.

By Kevin Wells on June 06, 2018

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Twenty Simple Weight Loss Tips for Women

By Alex Parks on May 08, 2018

Simple Weight Loss Tips for Women (That Actually Work!)

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How To Warm Stiff Joints and Your Soul

By Ivy on April 27, 2018


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Easy 30 Minute Sheet Pan Dinner

By David on April 25, 2018

Sheet pan dinners are very addictive because they taste amazing, are insanely easy, and good for those of us who are "too busy to cook!” Especially with the weather starting to get warmer, who wants to spend hours in the kitchen cooking an extravagant dish?!

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Easy Low Calorie Bagels

By David on April 13, 2018

One of the quickest ways to my heart is through a fresh bagel. Growing up, I remember every weekend my grandmother would take my brother and me to a local bagel shop in my neighborhood and it seemed like every weekend the bagels were better than the week before. As I got older and realized I couldn’t eat bagels everyday without the physical consequences, I was determined to find a way to make a healthy bagel that was just as good….fast forward, and here we are! These bagels are not only INSANELY easy to make, but healthy and packed full of protein, plus no fancy equipment is needed, like there is seriously no excuse for you not to make these bagels, unless you don’t like bagels, which in that case we have a much bigger problem!

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Easter Basket BLT Deviled Eggs

By David on March 30, 2018

Easter Basket BLT Deviled Eggs

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Fresh Guacamole

By David on March 24, 2018

I seriously wish I had a tree at my house that produced an endless supply of fresh avocados year round. I have a friend that lives in California (where the weather is perfect for avocados) and they complain about their neighbor's avocado tree dropping avocados into their yard. Do you know how much I would love to have that problem?!

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You Snooze, You Lose... Weight?

By Alex Parks on March 07, 2018

Yes, that’s right- sleep can help you lose weight. Sounds crazy, but does it really sound that crazy? It doesn’t take a scientist to tell me I crave donuts at 3pm when I didn’t sleep as well the night before. Now scientists are saying it, too. Sleep helps you lose weight.

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