The Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity

By Elizabeth Miller on October 23, 2017

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Don't Let Thyroid Disease Keep Your Weight Up!

By Jen Hazelwood on October 21, 2017

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4 Ways to Overcome Joint Pain This Fall

By Jen Hazelwood on September 15, 2017

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Over 30?  You Are Probably Lacking This

By Elizabeth Miller on September 13, 2017


After the age of 30, you may have started to notice a few differences in your body, a few wrinkles here, a little more weight there, and of course energy starts to dwindle.

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Collagen - For Weight Loss?

By Ivy on September 07, 2017

Collagen. You’ve heard about it for your skin, your hair, your nails…but weight loss? We’ve heard all gimmicks : eat this, don't eat that,  fat burners, fat blockers, appetite suppressants…and now collagen? To lose weight?  Yes… and its no gimmick...its science! 

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8 Things That Happen When You Drink More Water

By Elizabeth Miller on August 22, 2017

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5 Supplements for Joint Pain

By Alex Parks on August 13, 2017

Joint pain like arthritis can stop you in your tracks, but the good news is that there are natural supplements to help with joint pain relief.

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5 Tips for Better Skin (For Women Over 40)

By Elizabeth Miller on August 11, 2017

 Proper skin care is incredibly important at any age, but as we get older how you take care of it needs a bit of adjustment. With just a few changes in your skin care routine, you can have great looking skin at any age. Here are our Top 5 Tips For Better Skin For Women Over 40.

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Collagen and Bone/Joint Health

By Elizabeth Miller on August 09, 2017

Collagen is essential in bone/joint/tendon health.  When collagen naturally diminishes with age, this in turn decreases the natural “padding” in joints.  This directly affects everything including, obviously, your level of activity due to pain which just makes it more difficult when it comes to successful and healthy weight loss.

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5 Amazing Benefits of Collagen

By Elizabeth Miller on August 09, 2017

Maybe you’ve heard of collagen for your skin and hair…maybe as an ingredient in shampoos and face creams, but did you know that collagen supplements have a wealth of other benefits? This amino acid is actually the most abundant protein in your body, and is used by virtually every part from your head to toes; however collagen production drops off as we age. Adding supplemental collagen back into your body could help with the following:

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Collagen:  The future of weight loss?

By Elizabeth Miller on August 08, 2017

Let's talk about collagen in regards to sleep, energy, and weight loss.

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Turmeric - The "Spice of Life"

By Elizabeth Miller on August 01, 2017

Maybe you recognize the deep, yellow hue and earthy scent of turmeric from your favorite Indian dish or curry. Or perhaps you know that this Middle Eastern spice is what gives mustard it’s yellow color, but did you know that it it’s also been used medicinally since the 13th century?

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3 Supplements for Beginners

By Alex Parks on July 28, 2017

If you're just starting out with vitamins and supplements, it's hard to know where to begin. These are the top 3 that we recommend to everyone - regardless of age or gender.

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Yeast Test

By Elizabeth Miller on July 21, 2017

You may be suffering from Candida Albicans overgrowth- also known as "excess yeast." An overproduction of yeast in the body can block the absorption and effectiveness of any weight loss or dietary supplement. To see a list of common signs of too much yeast in the body, click here. However, there is a simple way to test yourself by taking the Candida Saliva Test (or Yeast Test). 

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3 Ways Collagen Can Help You Get a New Job or Raise

By Elizabeth Miller on June 29, 2017

Here's an odd question - is it possible that a dietary supplement like collagen can help you get a better job? Or even a promotion?

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5 Amazing Benefits of Collagen

By Elizabeth Miller on June 26, 2017

Maybe you’ve heard of collagen for your skin and hair…maybe as an ingredient in shampoos and face creams, but did you know that collagen supplements have a wealth of other benefits? This amino acid is actually the most abundant protein in your body, and is used by virtually every part from your head to toes; however collagen production drops off as we age. Adding supplemental collagen back into your body could help with the following:

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Summer Fun and Joint Pain Tips

By Elizabeth Miller on June 16, 2017

We all love to get outdoors to enjoy the warmer weather, but if you suffer from joint pain, you may be a little more hesitant to take that afternoon stroll or take the kids to the park. It can really be disappointing and debilitating. Here are a few things you can do to prevent and alleviate some of the pain and discomfort:

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Top 3 Reasons You Have Gained Weight

By Elizabeth Miller on September 15, 2016


If you have asked yourself, “why am I gaining weight?” lately, you are not alone. If you feel like you are gaining weight for no reason, you know you haven’t really changed your diet or workout routine, and it seems the scale numbers won’t stop creeping up, then this is for you.

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3 Ways To Combat Weight Gain

By Elizabeth Miller on September 15, 2016

Maybe you got on the scale and were shocked at the number. Maybe you just noticed that your clothes are getting a little tight.  Maybe you have known for a while that you have been gaining weight, but you just don’t know why.

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Why Is My Pee Bright Yellow?

By Alex Parks on July 18, 2016

This may seem like a crude topic, but really...have you ever wondered why your urine is that particular shade of neon yellow? Or amber? Or almost clear? Let's look closer into what causes the change of colors.

Topics: health
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How To Get 10,000 Steps A Day

By Alex Parks on June 23, 2016

How many steps a day should you take? 10,000 steps per day is recommended by the American Heart Association and Centers for Disease Control to help keep you fit and free of disease. 10,000 steps a day is roughly 5 miles; by getting in these steps daily, not only do you lower your BMI (Body Mass Index), increase your energy levels, or lower your risk of type II diabetes and heart disease, but you also put yourself in a place to loss one pound a week.

Topics: exercise walking
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4 Clues That You Might Be Addicted To Sugar

By Alex Parks on June 20, 2016

The American Heart Association recommends 30 grams of sugar per day for women and 45 grams per day for men. The truth, unfortunately, is that the average American likely consumes close to 100 grams of sugar per day, which can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, depression, headaches, and fatigue. Below are 4 signs that you may be addicted to sugar.

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8 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

By Elizabeth Miller on May 20, 2016


All-natural remedies like Apple Cider Vinegar are the rave these days. Most people would rather try something natural than resort to a medication or drastic change in diet to look and feel better; and with so many success stories out there, why not see why everyone is talking about it?

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Digestive Enzymes and Gut Health

By Elizabeth Miller on April 05, 2016

What are digestive enzymes?

Simply put, digestive enzymes break down food into particles your body can absorb and use.  They are found throughout the gastrointestinal tract and should be abundant in the stomach. There are 3 primary enzymes that break down food:  protease (breaks down proteins), amylase (breaks down carbohydrates), and lipase (breaks down fats).  When you are lacking in any of these, your ability to break down food into useable parts is compromised. It can also cause digestive issues.

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4 Natural Ingredients To Help Leaky Gut Syndrome

By Elizabeth Miller on March 30, 2016

If you suffer from digestive health issues, you’re not alone. A recent survey of 2000 Americans revealed that 72% have experienced some form of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms a few times a month or more. These include diarrhea, gas, bloating, stomach pain and frequent bowel movements. While this study didn’t go so far as to determine the cause, many experts agree that those symptoms closely match those associated with Intestinal Permeability – also known as Leaky Gut Syndrome. Fortunately, there are natural ways to combat Leaky Gut and possibly eliminate GI distress.

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